The Comprehensive Guide to Double Glazed Aluminium Windows: Efficiency, Security, and Serenity

Introducing Double Glazed Aluminium Windows

In the realm of modern architecture and interior comfort, double glazed aluminium windows have emerged as a quintessential element for contemporary homes and offices. Comprising two glass panes separated by a spacer, this innovative design serves as a robust barrier between exterior tumult and interior tranquility. The dual-layer glazing not only promises a significant upgrade in energy efficiency but also a commendable reduction in the energy required for heating or cooling spaces, thereby fostering a sustainable living environment.

Premium Aluminium: Pioneering Window Solutions

At Premium Aluminium, we pride ourselves on crafting an extensive assortment of double glazed windows, each designed to cater to diverse needs. Our products, synonymous with superior quality, are meticulously engineered to retain warmth during chilly winters and repel heat throughout scorching summers, delivering unparalleled value. Moreover, our specialty lies in windows glazed with soundproof glass, a single glass usually 8.76mm thick, fashioned explicitly for an audibly serene ambiance.

Embracing the Benefits of Double Glazing

The urban landscape of South Africa, along with the rest of the world, has dramatically transformed in the 21st century. The once-quiet streets now reverberate with ceaseless traffic noise, especially the cacophony from an ever-increasing number of taxis. Amidst this relentless uproar, the quest for a peaceful living and working environment has become a priority for many.

Insulation plays a critical role in any building’s acoustic properties. Unfortunately, many structures were designed before the advent of today’s bustling, noise-intensive world. Current specifications and regulations have evolved to address the escalating noise pollution, but older buildings still grapple with inadequate insulation.

While relocating to secluded, high-end residential estates might not be financially feasible for many property owners, a practical, cost-effective solution lies in investing in double glazing systems. These revolutionary systems significantly diminish noise levels, providing an oasis of calm and a sense of peace of mind. Furthermore, they enhance security by offering additional resistance to potential break-ins.

Our unique systems are designed for easy integration without the need for removing existing frames, adding an extra layer of convenience. The resulting multi-layer glazing establishes an effective noise insulation barrier, promising a tranquil environment even near highways, bustling streets, airports, or industrial areas.

Elevating Comfort and Value with Double Glazing

Apart from the acoustic advantages, double glazed windows aluminium also ensure a safer, more comfortable indoor space, maintaining a pleasant temperature year-round. These enhancements are more than mere upgrades; they’re investments that augment the value of your property.

The thermal insulation properties of double glazing contribute to substantial savings on heating and cooling expenses, stabilizing indoor temperatures and promoting health benefits. At Premium Aluminium, we custom-design our systems to accommodate the unique architectural nuances of each building.

For a tailored solution and a preliminary quote, we recommend capturing photos of your windows for our team’s assessment. This enables us to devise the most suitable system for your specific needs.

Double Glazing: A Synthesis of Innovation and Multiple Benefits

Double glazing, known as ‘insulated glazing’ (IG) or ‘double pane’, involves two glass sheets set into an aluminium frame, enclosing a sealed air space. This compartment, either vacuumed or filled with argon gas, minimizes heat and sound transfer, making it an ideal installation for both commercial and residential properties.


The insulating layer created by double glazing addresses one of the primary energy loss points in any building – the windows. While permitting ample sunlight, it conserves interior heat in winter and excludes heat in summer, thereby enhancing energy efficiency and reducing utility costs.

Noise Reduction:

In addition to thermal benefits, double glazing is esteemed for its sound-dampening properties, making it especially valuable for properties in noisy locales. It’s capable of curtailing noise levels by up to 44 decibels, depending on the specifics of the installation.

Additional Advantages:

  • Enhanced security due to the extra pane of glass.
  • Improved wind-loading resistance.
  • Potential to reduce heat loss by up to 50%.
  • Heightened thermal comfort within your home.
  • Minimized window condensation, maintaining a warmer interior glass surface.
  • Various options in glazing units and glass types, including toughened safety glass and SolarVu glass.



Double glazed windows aluminium are more than an aesthetic enhancement; they’re a long-term investment in comfort, efficiency, and tranquility. Contact Premium Aluminium today for expert guidance on double glazing solutions or fill in our quotation request form to take the first step towards a serene, energy-efficient space.

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